Targeting your bottom line – driving profitability
As a leading provider of business development consultancy services, we work with clients to improve performance and profitability.
Many businesses focus on sales growth, which is fine, but sustainable growth comes from a healthy bottom line. We have identified 5 main profit drivers which can have significant impact on profitability
PEOPLE – investing time and effort in developing ownership and accountability in staff is vital. Involving them in change, getting organisational structures right, defining expectations and reviewing performance are all part of the mix.
PERFORMANCE – “Measurement is management”, so the saying goes!! We advocate having a set of key performance indicators (KPI’s) at each level of an organisation, and work with staff to deliver targets and then improve further.
PROCESSES – any business or operational process needs to be efficient, and lean thinking can be applied across a range of business areas. There are major benefits to be had in mapping and improving processes using a range of practical tools.
PLANNING – without a direction, how can a business grow and change to adapt to the business environment. Plans need to be set, reviewed and revised on a regular basis, and our Pinpoint tool can help provide this direction.
PROCUREMENT – reducing the cost of materials, overheads can have a massive impact on profitabiity, and we use our contacts and networks in the UK and overseas to source goods and services for clients. From sourcing in China to identifying contract manufacturers, from saving on energy bills to sourcing packaging providers, we can reduce your cost bill significantly.
To have a confidential conversation to explore drivnig up profit in your business, please call Ian on 07792 631056 or email ian@i2iconsultants.co.uk.