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Organisations are constantly evolving and improving. You need to remain competitive, and yet maintain profitability. Being prepared to challenge the status quo is key in embracing change.

Change leads to numerous benefits, but also  a number of challenges, key among them being communication to staff, and getting them involved in the process. This is paramount to success in making the change sustainable.

Our team have experience of planning and implementing change programs for clients, from blue chip to SME’s. Driven by mergers, acquisitions, or through business necessity, the process needs to be clear and well managed.

We can work with, lead or simply guide your teams through a change program, and the key steps in the process are the same:

  1. Planning – defining the change needed and desired outputs – what resources required.
  2. Communications – speak openly about needd for change, and involve staff in process to get ideas and secure buy-in.
  3. Implementation – timescales, processes, responsibilities, implementation and monitoring.
  4. Celebration – enjoy the success that change brings. Build a culture of seeking more change and enjoying outputs of change.

Intervention can be as the catalyst for change, or in more of an advisory or mentoring capacity. Either way, we will work with you to design change programs that are appropriate and sustainable. This is done through involving people at every stage, and giving them responsibility within the process.

Recent projects have included:
  • Design of performance management system and factory layout for a small food manufacturer, increasing efficiencies and outputs.
  • Designing and developing an online strategy for a client to create new income stream opportunities and add to business value as part of 5-year exit plan.
  • Lead role in the rationalisation of a UK dairy business to align sites with core capabilities and technologies. Involved factory closure and managed transfer of technology.
  • Working with SME to introduce core values and behaviours, and then implement appropriate measures and performance targets for staff on commercial and operational sides of business.
  • Introduction of production planning, performance measurement and staff communication processes as part of a change process in an automotive sector organisation.

To find out more, get in touch via phone or via



Change is constant – let us help you manage the process of change and bring it into your organisational culture.

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