In this day and age of social media, email and other online means of communication, I worry about the diminishing role of face to face communications in the business environment.
Maybe it is a personal opinion, but if I am about to commit funds to a product or service from a supplier, then I like to look them in the eye, and ask the questions I want to ask about what I will be receiving commander du cialis pas cher. Is this process more effective and efficient than sending numerous emails, which can last days by the time it has been read, considered and the response delayed due to other immediate priorities?
Does the ease of “hiding” behind emails enable the conservative British nature to come through? After all, we are not great at giving feedback, managing conflict or passing on bad news. And yet if we want to earn respect of those we are dealing with, then open, honest and direct communications are needed.
From our communications training module, here are some top tips to be effective in your business communication:
- Where needed, use face to face meetings or discussions – this can help both parties observe and interpret the non-verbal aspects of the exchange.
- Be direct and succinct in conveying your message, minimising the chance of misinterpretation, and check for understanding.
- Use a mix of open and closed questions to steer the conversation in the direction you desire.
- Support your message with the appropriate body language – open and supportive expressions will help gain trust and build rapport.
- If you need clarification and understanding, then ask for it.
- If you are bearing bad news, or challenging a situation, then be direct and clear in conveying your message or defining your position.
- Smile.
- Be courteous and invite other opinions/input.
I am not advocating the abandonment of email/social media as a business communication vehicle – they form a viable and valuable part of the mix of methods available to us all. The art is knowing when to send an email, or when to pick up the phone, or when to arrange a meeting.
To help you decide, consider the recipient – do they tend to respond to written media (email, texts, letters), or show an auditory preference (face to face/phone conversations)? What is the importance and urgency of the communications? These questions can guide your decision on how to communicate.
Be proactive, be positive, be true to yourself and your goals.
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